Back in Auckland, the last morning of my trip was humid and drizzle-grey as in this picture, where the Sky Tower in the background is partially obscured by mist or low cloud. I took this picture while walking from Verandah's up Hepburn Street (though the street runs downhill) to the Victoria Park Market, where I was planning on doing some last-minute souvenir/gift shopping.
My flight didn't leave until that evening at about 8pm, so I ended up spending the afternoon wandering through the Ponsonby Road area around the hostel. Later at the airport, there was still low cloud, a determined overcast pall that didn't lift until the sun was almost setting. I ended up sitting in an aisle seat anyway, so there was no view as the plane took off and we shot back into the sky over the Pacific, headed northeast and bound for Vancouver.
The last thing I'll share in this sequence of photos is this little video I put together, from a series of clips I shot during the trip. I wanted to do something with the videos, so I taught myself the rudiments of iMovie and you now see the result!
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