Since the end of December, I've taken a break from posting in my blog. To make up for it, for the next month or so each day I will post one photo from the one-month trip to New Zealand that I took over January and February (this trip was part of the reason for my blogging hiatus).
In general each photo is the one I chose as "best of the day" for each day of the trip, though you'll notice that a few days of the trip are represented by two photos and a couple of days aren't shown at all (one was the day I spent in Invercargill, I think).
It was difficult to choose most of the time, since I took so many hundreds of pictures and so many turned out beautifully (I credit the landscape!). I also tried to choose some that were less stereotypical 'scenery' photos, but which had something unique about them, or an unusual story involved.
Today's picture, the first in the series, reflects something of the latter goal. I took it at LAX, walking around outside the international terminal; so it reflects that part of (what I consider to be) the oddness of L.A.'s airport, the fact that you have to leave the secure area and walk outside to the terminal you need, then pass through full security procedures again (no laughing matter). Since I had a seven-hour stop, later extended to over eight hours thanks to a flight delay, I was glad to be able to step outside. Even if the 'security' line-up had snaked its way outside the building. The temperature was so much higher than at Toronto, I found myself peeling off my winter coat and hoodie and trying to find creative ways to stash mittens and hat in my small laptop bag.
Most importantly, this picture also captures the first moment of excitement I feel when I'm travelling this way and I see the first glimpse of something 'kiwi', something familiar that means I'm closer to home--in this case, the distinctive 'koru' design on the back of an Air New Zealand plane.
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